Hi I'm

Kerry Goring

You have a right to your body and the autonomy to live in harmony with yourself.

Let's Revolutionize The Spaces Of Your Body.

"I believe that pleasure has the power to create positive change in the world. By tapping into my own sensuality, I've unlocked a new level of confidence, self-awareness, and creativity."

Check Out My Courses!

My courses and processes are dedicated to helping you harness this power and use it to achieve your goals and make a difference in the world.

Join me on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment today!

I definitely didn't get here overnight though.

In fact, quite the opposite...

More than anything, I wanted to feel loved and protected. I wanted to be accepted and have an amazing relationship that everyone envied.

But I had no connection with myself and no idea how to genuinely create a love like that.

I was a skinny and awkward kid. I was so skinny, my nickname growing up in school was bones. I often felt disconnected and never felt I anyone could feel attracted to me.

I felt terrible about myself and it showed up in the choices I made in partners.

I was happy when someone showed me any interest!

I ended up pregnant 17.

While my daughter was an incredible gift, the series of relationships starting with the one with her father, was not.

I made many mistakes and put her and my children in some crazy situations.

" It was with her natural, loving guidance that I rediscovered my sensual side. The depth of transformation which occurred in our 6 weeks together was powerful and the transformation continues!!!

Thank you Kerry, for your time, energy, love and support!!

Richelle L.

I knew I had to look within and make some different choices.

I decided to spend some time with myself.

I took the time to go within and do the healing work.

I forgave myself for my mistakes,

I took the time to learn who I was, and to find out what brought me joy and pleasure.

So pleasure I did!

I developed a pleasure practice that centered completely around me. I tapped into the deepest parts of my body and discovered who I was-- inside and out.

I became really pleased with myself, I had this little secret resovoire of pleasure that I could tap into at anytime.


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Can I get even more personal?

The result was that I began to present myself differently to the world.

People started to comment on how different I seemed, what was I doing?

My response?

I would simply smile and touch.

As my pleasure grew, so did my confidence.

I got noticed and landed a fantastic job in finance with a Fortune 500 company that set the foundation for me to start my successful business 10 years later as a hair salon owner when I decided to strike out on my own.

It was here that I kicked into high gear. Learning about the intimate details of my clients lives only sparked in me the desire to go deeper and really uncover the secrets we all carry.

What's more, I took me down an interesting path...

It led me to pursue training as a ®Vita Certified Sensuality and Relationship Coach with world renowned Tantric and Integrated Institute of Sexuality founded by Layla Martin,

I am equipped with the not only the technical knowledge, but the wisdom that only lived experience can give.


I'm ready to walk you through the experience of powerful sexuality that only you can create for yourself.


What would it be if there was a way to finally tap into pleasure so that is like turning on a light bulb into power....

What if you had a step by step process to maximize your pleasure...

What would it be if you were a part of a movement to step into your power while turning the establishment on their heels!....

What would it be to know that Pleasure is your power source and it can be used to change your life!?